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Superior Sanitation Services is a way for households that lack access to municipal sewer systems to dispose of their wastewater. Wastewater from a house’s toilets, bathtubs, sinks, showers and washing machines flows into a large tank that is buried underground away from the home. The water layer is then carried via drain pipes to a leach (or drainage) field where it is absorbed into the soil. A septic tank’s main function is to remove solids from the household wastewater, allowing the liquid (effluent) to flow easily through the soil absorption field.

A septic system should be pumped on a regular basis to prevent sewage from backing up into the house’s drains and toilets. It’s important to schedule septic tank pumping services with a trusted septic service provider that can provide quality services at an affordable rate.

Superior Sanitation’s Step-by-Step Approach to Septic System Maintenance

When the septic tank is pumped, technicians insert a large hose into the manhole and vacuum out the contents of the tank. Solids, including feces, will settle at the bottom and form sludge while grease and other fatty materials will float to the top of the tank and become scum. The clear liquid in the middle is called effluent. The septic tank should be pumped when the sludge layer is within six inches of the outlet or the scum level is about halfway up the outlet.

The septic tank’s content is often taken to waste treatment plants or independently owned, for-profit companies that specialize in treating septage. In some cases, septage is also used as fertilizer for agricultural purposes.

Superior Sanitation Services
3609 W H St, Ogallala, NE 69153, United States
(308) 284-3469

Post Author: netintelligenz

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